Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Perhaps we could get used to this place...

This morning I woke at 5:15, just as light was entering the sky. I got up to look out the bedroom windows and saw three brown rabbits sitting in the grass on their haunches, noses to the wind. Later on, in the full light of morning, Liam and I walked up the road to see the cows at a neighbouring farm. The sun was shining and the sky was that post-card perfect bottomless blue. Blackberry bushes stretched out their prickly arms towards us, showing off a profusion of hard, green berries, a promise of the harvest to come. Overhead some hawks rode a thermal updraft in lazy circles. An afternoon exploration of our property revealed several apple and plum trees in fruit. Tonight, we had dinner sitting on the back deck, from which all we can see are shades of green melting one into another as the sun sets behind the trees. I think we could get used to this place.

1 comment:

BC Mallens said...

Ohhh, thanks for sharing this! I read it and transported myself there. Keep it coming !!!!