Monday, July 21, 2008

Irony of ironies

We received a delivery early today, an event almost unheard of in the world of large household purchases and cartage companies.

Let me explain.

For a variety of reasons (well, two mostly - Liam and Kai) we decided that we would invest in a new bed once we moved to our new home.  Our old bed was fine, just a tad crowded in the early morning hours once everyone had migrated from their own beds into ours. Throw a cat into the mix and we were in need of a bit more bed real estate.  But, to accommodate more bed real estate we needed more house real estate and, so, the decision to invest in a king size bed was taken.

And oh, we found a beauty. Upon my first test flop in the store in Vancouver, I knew I had reached sleep nirvana. Organic latex with an organic wool and cotton covering. Probably manufactured in the shade of a protected rain forest by indigenous peoples still wearing their traditional costume. When it wears out in 25 years time we can toss it on the compost pile. But I digress. It was a bit on the pricey side, but when we divided the total cost by the anticipated number of nights sleeping on it, we convinced ourselves that it's almost a bargain. Certainly a thrifty purchase. The only problem was taking delivery. Could we get it before we left Vancouver? Nope. But the sales rep assured us that deliver to Metchosin would be no problem. We could expect it to arrive a few days after our move.

So, upon arrival in Metchosin, we decided to set up our old bed (or perhaps I should still refer to it as our current bed?) in our guest room. No point in setting it up in our room only to have to disassemble it in a matter of days and move it downstairs to make room for the new, majestic King size bed. Besides, we needed the guest bed for my father who agreed to cat sit for us while we moved and would be arriving soon after our move date to deliver said cat and visit for a couple of nights. A few nights on a foamy on the floor of our bedroom wouldn't kill us.

Five days after moving we had taken delivery of our cat, Dad had been and gone and my hips and shoulders were starting to ache. And then the phone call came from the bed store. The bed would be a few days late in arriving. We were looking at sleeping on the foamy for another four nights.

Next thing, we were stripping the bedding off of the foamy and hauling the mattress from the guest room up the back stairs and into our bedroom. That was yesterday. Laughingly, I said to Mike as we flopped the mattress onto the floor, "I bet the new bed comes early."

This morning the phone rang at about 7:00 am. Considering that very few people have our new number yet, and that even fewer of them would call us so early, this was quite an event. So much so that we even answered the call. It turned out to be the delivery company for the bed store. They had our bed and would be delivering it today. Today! At 11:00 am. Tonight we could be sleeping on our new bed!

First task after breakfast was to clear out our bedroom to make way for the masterpiece. As we were about the haul our old mattress back downstairs Mike stopped us. "What if the new one doesn't arrive for some reason?" he asked. "What reason?" I said. Mike shrugged, but he suggested that we leave the old mattress in the living room until the new one was delivered and in our bedroom. Just in case. Very wise. I knew there was a reason that I married him.

Our new bed did arrive today. Not at 11:00 am, as predicted, but at 3:00 pm. By this time, I had gone out to do some laundry and order our new washer and dryer and dishwasher (we'll see when they get delivered!)

This new bed is latex, as I mentioned. As a consequence, it is heavy and floppy. Nothing like a conventional mattress.  And did I mention heavy?  It's got to be two hundred pounds. Two hundred very floppy pounds. The delivery man was, apparently, a nice guy but had his limits. Fighting two hundred floppy pounds up the stairs was not in his day planner. We need more bodies to move this beast. Friends are coming over later in the week for a visit so we'll do things the country way. Instead of having a barn raising party, we'll have a bed raising party. We'll play a little folk music to set the mood, I'll make potato salad to feed the crowd, and we'll herd that bed up the stairs. And, eventually, we'll get horizontal on our new bed and float off to sleep nirvana.

In the meantime, we've shuffled the old mattress back onto the floor of our bedroom while the new mattress is safely stored away on the floor of the guest room. Irony of ironies. A major purchase actually arrived early and we're still sleeping on a mattress on the floor of our room. At least Mike had the foresight to suggest that we wait to move the old mattress back downstairs.

One leaky faucet at a time, one bed at a time.

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