Monday, April 27, 2009

Part two - Pass the bread please

I stand corrected. 

In my previous entry on rye bread, I mentioned a bakery located at 57th and Fraser in Vancouver. A reliable source informed me that said baker is called Breka Bakery and is actually located at 49th and Fraser. So, if you've been wandering around the lower regions of Fraser Street, drooling over the thought of a good loaf of rye, head north young man. You'll find what you seek.

Another bread discovery worth checking out if you're in Victoria, BC: Wildfire Bakery at 1517 Quadra. Unfortunately, the owner of Wildfire must be even more of a Luddite than I am, as they don't have a website. But trust me, if you need a good, dense, chewy loaf and you don't want to drive to Cowichan Bay, Wildfire is the place to go.

Dear Loyal Fan Base,

Yes, all two of you.

In the last few months, you might have been wondering what has happened to the City Girl Who Went Farming.

Did I get lost in a snow drift?

Apparently not. The thaw came and went and still no sign of me.

Did I fall under the wheels of a tractor?

Nope, haven't had a tractor around here since the Fall.

Did I go on a road trip to buy rye bread and decide to take up residence at True Grains?

I believe their front room still contains tables and chairs for their patrons, but no bed or closets for personal effects, so that can't be it.

Nope, this City Girl Who Went Farming became the City Girl Who Left The Farm For a JOB. 

Unfortunately, we are not independently wealthy and, as the best and most experienced farmers will tell you, farming is not a get rich quick scheme. We were faced with cash flow issues. That is, the cash was flowing a little too quickly and all in one direction. And so, I find myself pulling my old office clothes out of the back of my closet, shaking off the dust and heading out everyday to sit in front of a computer and attend meetings.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Mike is in charge of getting the farm project up and running while keeping two small boys from doing too much damage to themselves in their effort to "help out."

And how is he doing? We're making progress; perhaps more slowly than we'd like, but we are seeing changes. Check in again soon for a photo update. In the meantime, enjoy some of the shadow art that we've been working on!